Work & Settle in Albania

About Albania

Albania, situated along the Adriatic and Ionian Sea coastlines, is a hidden gem of the Balkan Peninsula, steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. Key highlights include:

  • Geography: Bordering Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Greece, Albania boasts diverse landscapes, from forested mountain ranges and protected National Parks to pristine beaches with clear turquoise waters.

  • Historic Sites: Albania is home to UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Butrint, Gjirokaster, and Beret, dating back to the Roman era. Byzantine castles dot the landscape, offering insights into the country’s rich heritage.

  • Tourism: With picturesque landscapes, cultural heritage, and a Mediterranean climate, Albania is increasingly gaining popularity as a tourist destination. In 2011, it ranked among the top ten countries to visit in the Lonely Planet guide.

  • Hospitality: Albanian people are renowned for their warm hospitality, welcoming generosity, and friendliness towards visitors. Guests are greeted with respect and warmth, reflecting the pride locals have in their country.

Albania offers a blend of natural wonders, historic treasures, and genuine hospitality, making it an enchanting destination for travelers seeking an authentic Balkan experience.

Relocate to Albania

Albania is increasing foreign tourists every year. However, the Republic may be interesting not only in terms of rest but also as a permanent residence and business, so potential immigrants need to know all the features of residence in that country.

Life in Albania has both its pros and cons, which should be learned before making a move decision. To obtain legal status in Albania you have few ways.

Marriage with a citizen of Albania

Marriage with a citizen of Albania is one of the fastest ways to obtain citizenship. At the time of application, the spouses must be married for at least three years, with a minimum of one year the applicant must live in Albania legally. The remaining marriage immigration conditions meet standard naturalization requirements, as detailed below.

Opening your own business

Under Albanian law, foreign nationals have the right to open their enterprises in Albania without any restrictions. The main condition is to place the company on tax service within five days of the application for registration of the business in the Albanian Commercial Register.

Once the firm is registered, the founder shall be issued as a fiscal code of the enterprise and VAT taxpayer. To obtain a business permit, the alien must present the company’s documents as evidence of the existence of long-term residence in Albania.

Residence permits

Foreign citizens can be granted a temporary or permanent stay only by the provision of a residence permit.
Article 33 of the Law on Foreigners defines:
“The authority responsible for border and migration shall issue one of the 21 following types of residence permits to the foreign citizens intending to reside in the Republic of Albania for a period longer than 90 days within 180 days, following fulfillment of the requirements foreseen in this law:

  • Type “A” residence permit, which is not renewable, gives the holder the right to reside in the Republic of Albania during the period for which the residence permit is issued
  • Type “B” residence permit, renewable, issued for a defined time period, gives to the holder the right to enter, stay and exit the Republic of Albania within the period defined in the residence permit
  • Type “C” residence is a permanent permit and gives to the holder the right to enter, stay and exit the Republic of Albania
  • Type “S” residence permit, renewable, after an interruption period of six months, which is issued to seasonal workers, gives to the holder the right to enter, stay and exit the Republic of Albania within the period of time defined in the residence permit
  • “AL Blue Card” residence permit, renewable, issued for a defined period only to the highly qualified workers, gives to the holder the right to enter, stay and exit the Republic of Albania within the period defined in the residence permit
  • “AL-C Blue Card” residence permit, is permanent and it is issued only to highly qualified workers and it gives to the holder the right to enter, stay and exit the Republic of Albania.

Moreover, the law specifies that the application for a residence permit must be conforming to the purpose of the visa used for entering Albania.

Terms and duration of residence permits

Residence permits are issued for:

  • Three months/ six months/ one year, and they can’t be renewed more than five times
  • Two years, and it can be renewed only once
  • Five years, conforming to the provisions of this law
  • A permanent residence is issued for applicants that have resided in Albania for more than five consecutive years and have strong ties and activity in Albania.

Residence permits for specific categories

Further on, there are specific residence permits for the following categories:

  • Seasonal employees
  • International citizens working for NGOs, humanitarian, charity, or religious foundations
  • Unpaid Trainees
  • Youth Exchange
  • Voluntary services
  • Scientific research
  • Students and School Pupils
  • Humanitarian grounds
  • Au pairs
  • Victims of trafficking of human beings
  • Individuals without citizenship
  • Cross-border employee
  • Freelancers
  • Retirees

Temporary residence permit

The residence permit in Albania is issued to foreigners if evidence is provided of reasons for long-term residence. The first time the GNW is issued for three months to two years. The duration of the residence permit for each application is determined by migration workers individually.

To obtain a residence permit in Albania, the following conditions are necessary:

  • Entry into Albania on long-term visa D;
  • Have serious reasons for long-term residence (business, work, studies, or family);
  • Open a personal account in one of the Albanian banks and place an amount sufficient to Live in the country for the stated period, or to have a stable income from the home or any other country with documented evidence;
  • Have no criminal record or criminal record in either the home State or the Republic of Albania;
  • Providing evidence of housing security – a space can be bought or rented for. The purchase is not considered a basis for a residence permit per se;
  • Pay the state duties.

The formation of the Temporary residence permit in Albania in the purchase of real property is considered by the migration service in each case individually. The Albanian authorities mainly welcome such investments and meet foreign buyers. However, to avoid risking, apart from the presence of real estate, it is desirable to have a stronger basis for long-term residence in the country.

Family reunification

According to the above-mentioned law on foreigners, foreign citizens equipped with a residence permit may submit an application for family reunion purposes only if the following conditions are met:

  • Family members of the applicant reside outside the territory of Albania.
  • The foreign citizen has been issued with a residence permit in the Republic of Albania for a validity period of at least one year and has the possibility to renew the permit in compliance with the provisions of this law
  • The applicant guarantees normal housing according to the general standards of health and security
  • The applicant has sickness insurance cover for him or her and his / her family members for whom he/ she has applied for family reunification;
  • The applicant has for him/herself and family members sufficient funds to prevent them from applying for welfare and getting aid
  • The applicant submits the documentation based on the provisions of the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Immigration to Albania

If you’re from a VISA-free country, you can get a permanent residence permit if you buy real estate. Alternatives are, registering a business or getting a work contract.

Work in Albania

A recent survey conducted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Albanian Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) helps to identify the country’s most dynamic employment landscapes. Currently, the most in-demand jobs are call center operators, tailors, and other specialists in the apparel and footwear industry, waiters and counter jobs, mining and construction specialists, drivers, sanitation workers, etc. These are just a few among the topmost in-demand jobs in the Albanian market. On the other hand, there is a low demand for highly-qualified professionals. The survey conducted in over 2,600 businesses in all the county’s regions shed light on the market’s need in the middle term.
The list of in-demand skills also reflects the economic model in Albania. The latter focuses on the exploitation of natural resources and low-cost sectors like manufacturing and retail. In the meantime, highly qualified professionals find a limited number of opportunities.

Most demand jobs in Albania

  1. Call center operators
  2. Industrial sewing machine operator
  3. Waiters and counter jobs
  4. Industrial footwear production
  5. Constructing technical
  6. Mining technical
  7. Drivers
  8. Sanitation and housekeepers
  9. Sellers
  10. Security jobs
  11. Reinforcing Ironworkers
  12. Technical engineer
  13. IT experts
  14. Food machine operator
  15. Sales agent
  16. Accountants and economists
  17. Engineers
  18. Mechanicals
  19. Restaurant Cook jobs
  20. Carpenters

Albania Visa Types

Based on the purpose of the visit and the duration of the stay, the Albanian permits can be classified into the following – 

  • C type – Known as the short term permit, these are issued for a stay duration of up to 90 days in a 180-day period. Based on the purpose of the visit, they can further be classified as the following – 
  • Tourist– This category lets individuals travel to Albania in order to take part in tourism-related activities such as sightseeing, adventure sporting, leisure, etc. 
  • Business – This is issued for people entering the country to take part in business activities. 
  • Cultural/Scientific/Sports – These are issued if you are travelling to participate in scientific research, cultural events, or competitive sporting events in the country. 
  • Medical – These are issued if the applicant is travelling to Albania seeking medical attention and treatment. 
  • D type – Known as the long term type, these are issued for stay durations that last more than 90 days in a 180-day period. Based on the reason for the visit, they can also be classified as – 
  • Work – These types of visas are issued for people travelling to take part in employment-related activities in the country. 
  • Study – This is granted for students travelling to Albania to take up study courses. 
  • Family reunion – This is issued in cases where the individual is travelling to unite with a family member living in the country. 

Note- These are the main types of visa. There are further variations to these according to the more specific type of the visit. 

Working permits

Those who are not Albanian citizens and wish to work in Albania for more than three months need a work permit. The request for the work permit should be completed before starting a  job. All the required documents for the application can be obtained from the Migration Office,  Albanian Embassy in one’s country of origin, or at the regional labor office.  Generally, the granting or refusal of a work permit takes no longer than 30 days after submitting the appropriate documentation. A work permit can be granted with or without time restrictions. The validity period of the work permit is based on the type of work permit.

The work permit will expire if:

the deadline is exceeded

the foreigner leaves Albania for a period longer than six months

or he/she does not start the activity for a period of three months from the date the work permit is issued.

Foreigners who will start an economic activity on the territory of the Republic of Albania are  provided with the following types of work permits

Work permit type “A” for economic activities, as an employee:

  • Type “A/P”, for employees
  • Type “A/PS”, for seasonal work
  • Type “A/TN”, for transfers within the company
  • Type “A/PS”, for students
  • Type “A/NK”, for border employment
  • Type “A/SHV”, for people who offer volunteer services
  • Type “A/AF”, for family members who enter marriage

Work permit type “B”, for independent economic activity:

  • Type “B/I”, for investors
  • Type “C” for specific cases
  • Type “D” for foreigners granted a continual work permit

Documents for Work Permit in Albania

Type of documents
Application from the employer according to the standard form;
All documents from the company that will employ him/her; (Documents of EPPC, like fiscal status with zero obligations, financial statements, labor declarations, etc.)
Employment contract;
Passport copy of the employee;
Authorization from the employer to submit documents;
Diploma/Graduation/Professional Certificate for the employer knowledge; (Translation and notarizing are needed. Tariff is around 20-30 USD. Depending on text and language.)
Five photos.

If you need to have your ex-pat personnel legally work for you in Albania without setting up your business entity, trust us to assist you with work permits and immigration support, and then employ your ex-pats locally on your behalf.

Seek expert guidance from Coraledu, the leading Overseas Consultant, for your work and settlement in Albania, the world’s No.1 destination.

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